Work Like It’s Your First Day

Act like you give a damn.

In his story about accidental leadership, Drew Dudley talks about a man named Mustapha. The driver of a dune-blasting excursion company, Mustapha referred to each day at work as his “first day of work.” Mind you, Mustapha had been working in that very job for 18 years. He explained his philosophy to Drew as such:

“I go to work every day like it’s my first day. On your first day of work you dress your best, you listen the hardest, you are nice to everyone that you work with. On your first day you work to impress your new bosses and your new coworkers, and you hope and believe it will be a job you love. But we let that all start to go away on our second day.”

— Mustapha

Mustapha’s idea is a simple, yet profound one. It is possibly the strongest underpinning of The Concurrent Project, for achieving concurrence is dependant on peak performance. Think about your first day — your energy, drive and enthusiasm was were all at peak levels. What if we could systematically sustain those circumstances?

How can you reconfigure each day to be just like your first day? What factors would you need to replicate? summed it up in their article titled “What’s Expected of Me on the First Day of a New Job?” Here’s the gist of it:

  • Show up on time

  • Learn from your mistakes

  • Be honest

  • Remain open-minded

  • Have ambition

  • Care about the quality of your work, even if you aren’t at the job of your dreams featured a similar piece titled “A New Employer: 8 Steps to Put Your Best Foot Forward.” The steps listed are as follows:

  • Write it all down

  • Be social

  • Do your work, but don’t push it

  • Make your desk home

  • Check in with your supervisor

  • Take care of the HR department

  • Learn by doing

Last but not least, a seminal book on the topic of hitting the ground running at a new job is The First 90 Days by Michael D. Watkins. Key lessons* include:

  • Promote yourself

  • Accelerate your learning

  • Match strategy to situation

  • Secure early wins

  • Negotiate success

  • Achieve alignment

  • Build your team

  • Create coalitions

  • Keep your balance

  • Accelerate everyone

Working like its your first day isn’t easy. It requires a complete shift in attitude and behavior. But once you’ve supplemented it with working like you’re going on vacation, you will have effectively entered into a sustainable state of working harder, faster and smarter. In turn, you will have multiplied your capacity for more, several times over.

I decided 18 years ago I would not have a second day of work. I decided I would just redo my first. I have been redoing it every day since then. I am blessed to do what I love, and I think that is the best way to keep loving it.

— Mustapha

*A breakdown of each lesson can be found in this Globe & Mail article.

Hamza Khan

Hamza Khan is a best-selling author, award-winning entrepreneur, and globally-renowned keynote speaker whose TEDx talk "Stop Managing, Start Leading" has been viewed over two million times. The world's leading organizations trust him to enhance modern leadership, inspire purposeful productivity, nurture lasting resilience, and navigate constant change.

Quantified Self: Productivity


Work Like You’re Going On Vacation