The First Book By Hamza Khan
Burn Bright, Not Out
Become The Most Thriving, Productive, And Motivated Version Of Yourself
Studies show we are working longer and harder than ever before, leaving very little time for much else. With everything competing for your time, energy, and attention, stress is unavoidable. But how do you manage stress without sacrificing the things you want to achieve in life and work? The Burnout Gamble is full of stories, tools, and strategies to teach you how to conquer stress, beat burnout, and stay motivated. Achieve more by beating burnout and building resilience. Don’t wait– grab your copy of this best-selling book today!
Inside The Burnout Gamble:
The 12 Stages of Burnout: Recognize the 12 stages of burnout (and which ones you’re going through).
Solutions To Prevent Burnout: Innoculate yourself against burnout and achieve more by using a
simple 6-step solution.Deeper Understanding Of Stress: Go beyond traditional knowledge to understand the negative consequences of stress on yourself and others.
Methods To Build Resilience: Learn time-tested methods to build up your resilience.
How To Manage Of Stress: Practical strategies to control your stress and recover from burnout.
Lessons From The Pros: Learn from the mistakes of real entrepreneurs, executives, and employees like yourself.


Bailey Parnelll, CEO @ SkillsCamp
“I think this is a book everyone should read once. When you become aware of the gradual signs of burnout and stress, you’ll be better able to prepare or guard against it. For one reason or another, we’re all facing huge levels of stress, and I’m surprised there aren’t more books on burnout. There is good advice in this book interlaced with compelling real-life stories. We can all find ourselves in this book. Worth it.”
Alex Rascanu, Community Organizer
“I can relate to Hamza Khan’s story due to similar work-related burnout experience, and I found his openness, his proposed way fo framing our understanding of the issue, and his 24 lessons on how to burn ‘bright, not out,’ useful in understanding the issue and ensuring that I’ll never end up in that situation again.”
Strategies For A Flammable Generation
Stressors are different for each generation. They are subjective. But, millennials seem to be struggling with stress and burnout more than any generation before. Built off specific research for this flammable generation of workers, The Burnout Gamble helps prevent spontaneous combustion.