Take Your L Like a Soldier

Extreme Ownership Can Be Extremely Simple

At the age of 17, I enlisted as a Reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces. Within my first two weeks of Basic Military Qualification, I learned an incredibly powerful phrase:

“I f*cked up.”

This simple (although abrasive) string of 3 words had an honest, humbling, and ultimately liberating effect.

During an inspection of my C7 rifle, a stern Sergeant discovered that I had done a less-than-thorough cleaning job. He ferociously asked me why my rifle was dirty. Singled out, petrified, I frantically scrambled for an excuse.

“Private Khan,” my unconvinced Sergeant uttered. “Don’t insult my intelligence. You f*cked up. Say it…SAY IT!

“I f*cked up.”

“LOUDER!” he barked.


Snarling, the Sergeant backed away and moved onto another hapless soldier. And just like that, the encounter was over.

Accept that from time-to-time, you’re going to drop the ball for no good reason other than mismanagement of your time, energy, and attention. When this happens:

Save the lies. Own your shit. Allow yourself to feel the failure.

And then do what my Sergeant advised me to do anytime I subsequently admitted that I f*cked up:

“Go un-f*ck yourself.”


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