Coca-Cola Killed Their Voicemail & You Should Too
They’ve since changed their answering messages to encourage callers to try later or use an alternative method to contact the person.

Where Is All Your Time Going? (Part 2/2)
If you feel like you have little to no control over your time — like your priorities are managing you, and not the other way around — you’re hardly alone.

Introverts: Manage Your Energy By Colour Coding Your Calendar
Simple Rules To Sustain Productivity, Health, And Happiness

Why You Should Wear the Same Thing to Work Every Day
Each work day we’re confronted with roughly 35,000 micro and macro decisions.

Avoid Over-Planning with #Now, #Next, and #Later Deadlines
Getting ideas off the ground requires careful planning; having a plan in the first place improves your chances for success.

Avoid Regret with a Weekly Work/Life Check-In
A palliative nurse recorded the most common regrets of the dying and put her findings into a book called The Top Five Regrets of The Dying.

If You’re Not Learning Something New, It’s Time to Move On
If you think you’re going to work at your current job for more than three years, think again.

Is This Meeting Necessary?
Incredible things can happen when great minds meet. Unfortunately, most meetings are anything but great.

For Big Ideas: Spend 30% of Your Time Living in the Future
Big ideas rarely reveal themselves to you when you’re stuck in a reactive workflow.

Don’t Waste the Tiny Gaps in Your Schedule
So stop looking at those 30-minute gaps in your day as empty space.

How to Never Be Late Again
Are you always showing up 5 to 10 minutes late to things despite your best intentions?

The 3-Minute Solution to Procrastination
Think about one small action you can take in the next three minutes that will move your project forward.

Use the 52/17 Rule to Maximize Productivity
The human body isn’t designed to sit for eight hours at a stretch.

Didn’t Sleep Last Night? Here’s How to Survive the Workday.
In the wise words of Winston Churchill: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

Forget SMART Goals, Set CLEAR Goals Instead
It’s another new year! The good news is that you’ve set new and ambitious goals for yourself.

Your Best Work Requires the Perfect Environment
Whether it’s a sculpture or a string of code, we need to create a perfect space within which we can really do the cognitively demanding, deep work.

Use “Energy Buckets” to Avoid Burnout
Recovery is non-negotiable: you can recover on your own terms or on the terms burnout sets when it inevitably catches up to you.

How To Say No Without Burning Bridges
The most common ways they avoid wasting time is by simply saying “no.”