Don’t Answer Emails That Lack Questions
Is it rude to ignore emails? Yes. But does it happen anyways? Yes. And can anyone blame you? Your inbox is cluttered with emails of no consequence, including one of the worst offenders: the email that lacks a question. Kristin Muhlner, CEO of NewBrand Analytics, shares her rule for emails that don’t move projects forward: ignore them.
“I love email…But unless I’m specifically asked a question, I don’t respond. If a CEO responds, everyone thinks they need to respond back, and that kicks up a lot of dust.”
You’re super-busy; it’s tough enough to do your work AND triage emails in a timely manner. So should you respond to every email? Here at 99U, we think not. Unless an email is making the way forward clear, feel free to hit delete.
Relevant: Should You Respond to Every Email?