Authentic Ways To Network
Network by XOXO from The Noun Project
So you want to build make some connections in your creative community? Fantastic. But if your first instinct is to attend a networking event and distribute business cards, think again – traditional networking aka “dirty networking” actually makes people feel physically dirty and is an ineffective way of making a name for yourself.
Building social currency is about being honest and authentic, and showing that you value others. In their Social Capital Building Toolkit, Harvard University researchers Thomas H. Sander and Kathleen Lowney, share some high impact and more natural ways to build social capital, including:
Food/Celebrations. ie. host a start-up open house or celebrate your agency’s anniversary.
Joint activity around common interest or hobby. ie. organize a team of friends or colleagues and play agency ball.
Doing a favor for another. ie. help another company move into their new office or volunteer space for a meetup.
Discussion of community issues. ie. talk about poor trash pickup or organize a town-hall about bike lanes.
Undertaking joint goal. ie. create a meetup or collaborate on bringing an event to your city.
Intentional relationship building (“one on ones”). ie. set up coffee dates with people you want to know.
To enjoy all the benefits of social currency, you first have to build it. Then be patient and let your relationships mature organically.